


A nue  is a legendary creature found in Japanese folklore.
 It is described as having the head of a monkey, the body of a raccoon dog,
the legs of a tiger, and a snake as a tail.

According to the legend, a nue can metamorphose into a black cloud and fly. Due to its appearance, it is sometimes referred to as a Japanese chimera.
Nue are supposed to be bringers of misfortune and illness.

[Winter Festival] Nuebarai
Izu Shizuoka Japan

The nue, a monster with the head of a monkey, the body of a tiger, 
and a snake's tail, is said to have been slain by Minamoto-no Yorimasa. 
Every year on January 28, this scene is reenacted 
in a prayer for the health and safety of the people. 

Gomineko press

Japanese Mythical Creatures

Gomineko Press is stoked to finally debut Japanese Mythical Creatures. 
Illustrations of Kappa, Kirin, Baku, Nue, Kitsune and Tsuchigumo 
from over 120 different artists world wide!! 

Pages: 228 

Size: 8” x 11.5” 
Published: 2012
Price: $48

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